
Relational Composition:

next-order meta level'd trans

– On Alternative Forms of Merge - renewal of connective

Global Context

urgent crisis, historic dimensions, structural collapse, emerging catastrophe, interconnected fields, Global turbulences, changing topologies. #Crisis within power structures. dysfunctional static sets, dead ends in growth, structural complexification, multidimensionality, dynamics and dematerialization -

We are in level crisis.
<(fresh next-level thinking, ontology/cause/pattern) META, zooming out of (this planet and time)> The epistemological situation we are obliged to confront in a quantum mechanical universe, in which non-locality and indeterminancy must now be viewed as a fundamental fact of nature, provides a new basis for understanding the ability of the human brain to construct symbol systems, or symbolic representations of reality.

3rd Millenniums technology/culture. complexity is a key issue / “allocation of meaning” next level flux techniques: renewal of “connective” and relational technologies, politics of the multiple, under the rules of transformation: sphere- integrative - new tendencies in the mode of representation and negation, basing on change factors.

We need to rearrange the concept of entity, direction, relational capabilities fundamentally.
To bring it all together where it meets: unifying larger scales of reality: dare to dig on our historic roots and fixed structures. Truth on a complete advanced set. ENVISION US IN COSMOLOGIC AGE Rethinking the coefficients of the virtual within fresh set of condition space under inclusion of the observer, of dynamic complex reality, a basal rule of development and transition, an up-to-date re-presentation of the enclosing (in the sense of the world)/nature (in the sense of the form), a new basal calculus (basing on emergent form of differentiation/combination) new forms of basic addition and separation -> new logic derives from there: Fundamental fresh basics for transfer and exchange: a meta-theory of relation and Leveled form trajectories under holistic perspective, alternative forms of merge, refinements of basal spheres, global set: augmented systems of amongst, macro- & micro-politics of the multiple, flexible level architectures, open ended ontologies, rules of transformation to the next in time and space, an ontology of borderlessness, a new quality of post-quantity to upgrade to more advanced ontologies. 
 substantive environmental laws. We need new abstract sets and pattern that are capable to be transferred, a new theory of information, media, potential and action, especially concerning causal factors, symmetry and time principle to relate space, and time as well as quantitative analysis of variables associated with complexity of domain, diversity of context and consequent multiplicity of perspectives to the domains in question stable form that is mighty of including all subsets of the entity. Also a new understanding of superpositioning, mash up, combination and pluralism. (This is erupting policies and base fundaments), rearranging fundamental relational politics: what transformation and change can mean and what scales this might include. [node], , [‘agent’])//interfaces///knots)): deducing <> 

 giving up binary thinking. Softening and re- education what entity is, acceptance of fragility, visionary intra-actions within the constant flux of change tangled state. We soon will touch the levels where it all intersects: in a fundamentally new theory of relations, its complexly new derived arithmetics, technologies, media / information / delocalization, potential, cause rewritings, all expanding fastly fastly very very outside.. there is no center. it is all about potential and intersection.

Transdisciplinary & Science'N'Art'N'Technology

Culture, technology and politics should have the same tendencies again: optimization. seeking to catalyze fruitful solutions for the challenges of 21st century. next-order Exchange technologies & cultures: improvement and refinements of basal spheres, global needs: to bring it all together where it meets(culture, science, technology): !optimization, !visionary unifying larger scales - advancing a "multidimensional picture", theoretical fundaments combined, manifesting core of unified sciences and technologies for paradigmatic millenniums burst: fresh grounds from the base: Becoming – multidimensional. To a fresh non-static, non-dualistic form of "technology". rethinking post-representation, conditions for sustainable development and social harmony. under the new paradigm: 'go meta' and look at the bigger picture of how high tech art fits into the world at large," Die Rückgewinnung der Avant-garde – übersummativ. Next century artist explicit skill. dimensional work. a sphere switcher he will become.  “art not “illustrative” and “applied” but visionary!

Relational Composition: meta level'd – On Alternative Forms of Merge renewal of connective

“to dare to go beyond the paradigm” / following the basal line of deduction of <>, finding very very fresh composition parameters and rulesets of combination and merge, a fresh fundamental dimensional mapping environment under fresh conditions/ facts set = set= ([‘Dynamics’, ‘Complexity’, Multiplicity, Emergence]) >> ONTOLOGY // information /// potential //// entity-levels //// formal composition UPDATING RELATIONAL FUNDAMENTS OF INTERSECTION, ENTITY, EXCHANGE

Fundamental fresh basics for transfer and exchange: under interconnected potential scape: under holistic perspective: a meta-theory of relation and Leveled form trajectories, alternative forms of merge, refinements of basal spheres: To a fresh form of relation/operation, new emergent forms. new open-ended rulesets: For new emergent forms of addition, combination and relation: effective links to other units: process integrative open.

Rethinking RELATION - rewriting combination and to Rel.Set of Entity: The QUESTION OF BINDING. structural composition, relational trajectories, Topologic View of Relation -not simple static distinct but also AND entangled. Nested.

“dilemma of intersectionality” new forms of basic addition and separation -> new logic derives from there: basal rule of development and transition - an up-to-date re-presentation of the enclosing (in the sense of the world)/nature (in the sense of the form)

Volutive Struct
meaning making on a much higher level of abstraction. New pattern appear.
we get new form of addition and combination with emergent entangled agents.

Reworking of the very nature of dynamics, dimensional expansion, trajectories and depth, time and mapping, Onto and Inter, “metaphorms” and structure, universal geometric pattern, that do exist in dynamic systems, topogeometric aspects of emergent entangled agents, relative trajectory, complementarity, condition spaces for a higher level of symmetry, homogenity, aspect of state- spaces, closedness, multitude, value of the curvature at a given infinitesimal small point, meaning of a surface in a given vector space correlation in high-dimensional time series, novel types of singularities and similarities , singularities, relation spacetime geometry + info content relative to area of surface11, getting out of the local minima, N-dimensional Queries, the concept of information12. “complex information processing systems, data, state transitions, recursive definitions, dynamics and mobility of self-configuring networks. Modeling the force space “of form, not of matter”

focusing on the basal distinction: transformation as structure intersection border perception/ relation / / operation, the process of becoming, functional differentiation Form of movement/ superposition in time and space and potentials, ontologic (topologic) point of identity, intersection, bifurcation, process, distinction, and combination. new emergent forms, superpositioned... lower level identification of properties and laws Interrelation instead of separation into internity and the Outside

Connectto Fresh Levels. the focus is on complex relationships, a non-linear and unresolved relation to origin and complete dynamic behavior of patterns (Pattern of evolving patterns): Transgression itself. - The form of form. basics of processes and dynamics

“It is no longer whether a net is a representation or a thing, a part of society or a part of discourse or a part of nature, but what moves and how this movement is recorded.” “Here the problem is not to choose the correct scale of description, but rather to recognize that change is taking place on many scales at the same time and that it is the interaction among phenomena on different scales that must occupy our attention.”

The next forms that goes beyond static reciprocals and allows multitudal set within the frameworks of uncertainty and fuzziness. Allowing more complex sets of relational translocations. ontology: intersection in time and space: diffractive entangled process is a form to the next.

Fundamental Theory - Fresh Arithmetic Calculus (inclusive, self-referential, dynamic, inductive) Fresh Deductions on the ‘Time’ Principle: open set, potential, ->manifestation Update on Perception: consciousness, depth, non-linear narratives, holism, multiplicity, focus, dedication, Update Horizon: From Global to (+dimension(more-than “curled”)// next-order wrapping///*merge*) Update effectiveness, ‘work’ fundamental structure principles of the concept of information as change and/or functionally: transformator Aware of: A Black Hole amidst our galaxy: rearranging fix point, direction, alignment >

is a form to the next. rethinking inter - an exchange.

structural Change

investigates the base fundament of a () system change in the understanding of ID, attributivity, depth, connection and cause from a transdisciplinary omni holistic angle towards fresh emergent spheres updating/unifying concepts like media, relation, state, action regarding dependency, relation, distinction and variety and their increase via symmetry breaking. a new basal calculus (basing on emergent form of differentiation/combination)

To an ontology of states, to non-material subsets of dynamic form: to a morphogenetic process within a space of possibilities, a manifold as a geometrical space with properties. progressive differentiation spatial details unfold progressively simple as a result of laws of process.

“There is information in the connections.” complete dynamic behavior of patterns. Pattern of evolving patterns.A new sort of entity, not an entity but its transgression itself. The form of form itself.

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p advent Global Context

rocon Global Context

cousine Global Context

or Global Context

roboto Global Context

h2 dorsa Global Context

h2 roboto inv Global Context

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h3 dorsa Global Context

os h3 Global Context

oleo Global Context

h2 qs Global Context

h2 ro Global Context


volutive technologies


default . ×

You are in landscape orientation. You are in portrait orientation.

You are on a touch-enabled device. You are not on a touch-enabled device.

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